About Us

Shree Tukaram Bank is having 1 branch at Anantshayan Galli, Belgaum. The Bank is having 8935 members and the Share Capital is Rs.1.40 crores, investment to the extent of Rs 28 crores, total deposits of Rs. 55.31 crores, bank has invested its surplus funds in other banks and government securities. Bank’s Gross NPA is to the extent of 10.35% and Net NPA is 2.05%. Since last many years the Net NPA was 0% but due to COVID-19 the net NPA has been increased gradually. The Net profit for the financial year 2022-23 is Rs.67.07 Lakhs and also in the Last Reserve Bank Audit the Bank has been given B+ certificate.

Shree Tukaram Bank has been converted from a tiny plant to a huge tree which is giving shade and fruits to all the peoples of Belgaum. With only 350 share holders and share capital of Rs.29000/- the Bank has today around 8900 share holder and a share capital of Rs. 1.40 crore. In the year 2007, under the chairmanship of Mr. Prakash Appaji Maragale the Bank has achieved new heights, in the year 2007 the Deposit were Rs.17.76 crores and today the deposits have reached Rs.55.31 crores and also in the year 2007 the Loans and Advances were Rs.12.19 crores and today the Loans have reached Rs. 36 crores. Shree Tukaram Bank is having 1 branch at Anantshayan Galli, Belgaum. The Bank is having 8935 members and the Share Capital is Rs.1.40 crores, investment to the extent of Rs 28 crores, total deposits of Rs. 55.31 crores, bank has invested its surplus funds in other banks and government securities.

Our Management